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Product Overview


AM modulator & demodulator /KSCOM 1
AM transmitter & Receiver / KSCOM 2
FM Modulator & Demodulator / KSCOM 3
FM transmitter and Receiver trainer/ KSCOM 4
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) / KSCOM 5
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)/ KSCOM 6
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) / KSCOM 7
Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)/ KSCOM 8
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) / KSCOM 10
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)/ KSCOM 11
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)/ KSCOM 12
Sample and Hold Circuit/ KSCOM 15
Clipper and Clamper Circuit/ KSCOM 16
Transistor as a switch / KSDIG 1
Basic Logic Gates / KSDIG 2
Digital IC trainer kit / KSDIG 3
Digital gate using NAND gate / KSDIG 4
Digital Adder Subtractor / KSDIG 5
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) / KSDIG 8
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)/ KSDIG 9
JK-MS Flip Flop / KSDIG 11
Multiplexer & Demultiplexer / KSDIG 12
4-bit counter using Flip-Flop / KSDIG 13
Shift registers / KSDIG 14
Diode Resistance & LED / KSIV 1
Zener Diode / KSIV 2
Tunnel Diode / KSIV 3
Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) / KSIV 4
Transistor in CE, CB & CC mode / KSIV 7
Solar Cell / KSIV 9
Andersons Bridge / KSNET 1
C-R characteristics / KSNET 2
Series and parallel L-C-R circuit / KSNET 3
Desauty Bridge / KSNET 4
C-E mode amplifier / KSAMP 1
R-C coupled amplifier / KSAMP 2
Basic OP-AMP characteristics / KSOPAMP 1
OP-AMP application (AC) / KSOPAMP 2
OP-AMP application (DC) / KSOPAMP 3
Adder using OP-AMP / KSOPAMP 4
OP-AMP Amplifier (DC) / KSOPAMP 5
OP-AMP Amplifier (AC) / KSOPAMP 6
Precision differential amplifier/ KSOPAMP 7
OP-AMP as differentiator/ KSOPAMP 8
OP-AMP as integrator / KSOPAMP 9
Wien bridge oscillator / KSOSC 1
R-C phase shift oscillator / KSOSC 2
Colpitts oscillator / KSOSC 3
Monostable Multivibrator / KSMV 1
Astable Multivibrator / KSMV 1
Plank Constant using LED / KSMAT 1
Stefans constant using bulb / KSMAT 2
Band gap using thermistor / KSMAT 3
Boltzmaan constant using diode / KSMAT 4
Work function using vacuum diode / KSMAT 5
Ionization potential using Thyratron / KSMAT 6
Piezoelectric coefficient / KSMAT 7
Dielectric constant / KSMAT 8
Dielectric constant / KSMAT 8
P-E loop of ferroelectric / KSMAT 9
B-H loop of magnetic material / KSMAT 10
Resistivity by four probe method / KSMAT 11
Hall coeffieient of a semiconductor / KSMAT 12
Displacement using LVDT / KSTRANS 1
Strain using strain gauge / KSTRANS 2
Level using capacitive transducer / KSTRANS 3
Distance using ultrasonic transducer / KSTRANS 4
Ambient temperature using RTD / KSTRANS 5
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